Package piston_rspy

piston_rspy - Python bindings for piston_rs.


class Client

A client used to send requests to Piston.


  • The client is immutable, and by extension its properties are also immutable.

Static methods

def with_key(key: str, /) ‑> Client

Creates a new client, with an api key.


  • key str: The api key to use.


def with_url(key: str, /) ‑> Client

Creates a new Client with a custom url.


  • url str: The url to use as the underlying piston backend.


def with_url_and_key(key: str, /) ‑> Client

Creates a new Client with a custom url and an api key.


  • url str: The url to use as the underlying piston backend.

  • key str: The api key to use.


Instance variables

var headers

dict[str, str]: The headers being sent with requests.

var url

str: The base url for the Piston v2 api.


def execute(self, executor: Executor, /) ‑> ExecResponse

async: Executes code using a given executor. This is an http request.


  • executor Executor: The executor to use for the request.



  • RuntimeError: If the request to Piston failed.
def fetch_runtimes(self) ‑> list[Runtime]

async: Fetches the runtimes from Piston. This is an http request.


  • list[Runtime]: The available Piston runtimes.


  • RuntimeError: If the request to Piston failed.
class ExecResponse (...)

A response from the Piston api when sending a request to execute code.


  • This object cannot be instantiated, and is immutable.
  • It can only be created with a call to Client.execute().

Instance variables

var compile

ExecResult | None: The optional result Piston sends detailing compilation. This will be None for non-compiled languages.

var language

str: The language that was used.

var run

ExecResult: The result Piston sends detailing execution.

var status

int: The response status returned by Piston.

var version

str: The version of the language that was used.


def is_err(self) ‑> bool

Whether or not the request to Piston failed.


  • bool: True if a non 200 status code was received.
def is_ok(self) ‑> bool

Whether or not the request to Piston succeeded.


  • bool: True if a 200 status code was received.
class ExecResult (...)

The result of code execution returned by Piston.


  • This object cannot be instantiated, and is immutable.
  • It can only be created with a call to Client.execute().

Instance variables

var code

int | None: The optional exit code returned by the process.

var output

str: The text sent to both stdout, and stderr during execution.

var signal

str | None: The optional signal sent to the process. (SIGKILL etc)

var stderr

str: The text sent to stderr during execution.

var stdout

str: The text sent to stdout during execution.


def is_err(self) ‑> bool

Whether or not the execution produced errors.


  • bool: True if the execution returned a non zero exit code.
def is_ok(self) ‑> bool

Whether or not the execution was ok.


  • bool: True if the execution returned a zero exit code.
class Executor (language: str = '', version: str = '*', files: list[File] = [], stdin: str = '', args: list[str] = [], compile_timeout: int = 10000, run_timeout: int = 3000, compile_memory_limit: int = -1, run_memory_limit: int = -1, /)

An object containing information about the code being executed.

A convenient builder flow is provided by the methods associated with the Executor. These consume self and return self for chained calls.

  • For compile_memory_limit and run_memory_limit -1 can be used to signify no limit.

Instance variables

var args

list[str]: The command line arguments to pass to the program.

var compile_memory_limit

int: The maximum allowed memory usage for compilation in bytes.

var compile_timeout

int: The maximum allowed time for compilation in milliseconds.

var files

list[File]: A list of files to send to Piston. The first file in the list is considered the main file.

var language

str: The language to use for execution.

var run_memory_limit

int: The maximum allowed memory usage for execution in bytes.

var run_timeout

int: The maximum allowed time for execution in milliseconds.

var stdin

str: The text to pass as stdin to the program.

var version

str: The version of the language to use for execution.


def add_arg(self, arg: str, /) ‑> Executor

Adds an arg to be passed as a command line argument.

Does not overwrite any existing args.


  • arg str: The arg to add.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def add_args(self, args: list[str], /) ‑> Executor

Adds multiple args to be passed as a command line argument.

Does not overwrite any existing args.


  • args list[str]: The args to add.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def add_file(self, file: File, /) ‑> Executor

Adds a File containing the code to be executed.

Does not overwrite any existing files.


  • file File: The file to add.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def add_files(self, files: list[File], /) ‑> Executor

Adds multiple File's containing code to be executed.

Does not overwrite any existing files.


  • files list[File]: The file to add.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def copy(self) ‑> Executor

Copies the executor, leaving the existing one unchanged.


def reset(self)

Resets the executor back to a new state, ready to be configured again and sent to Piston after metadata is added.

This method mutates the executor in place.

def set_args(self, args: list[str], /)

Adds multiple args to be passed as command line arguments.

This method mutates the executor in place. Overwrites any existing args.


  • args list[str]: The args to replace existing args with.
def set_compile_memory_limit(self, limit: int, /) ‑> Executor

Sets the maximum allowed memory usage for compilation in bytes.


  • limit int: The limit to set.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def set_compile_timeout(self, timeout: int, /) ‑> Executor

Sets the maximum allowed time for compilation in milliseconds.


  • timeout int: The timeout to set.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def set_files(self, files: list[File], /)

Adds multiple File's containing the code to be executed.

This method mutates the executor in place. Overwrites any existing files.


  • files list[File]: The files to replace existing files with.
def set_language(self, language: str, /) ‑> Executor

Sets the language to use for execution.


  • language str: The language to use.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def set_run_memory_limit(self, limit: int, /) ‑> Executor

Sets the maximum allowed memory usage for execution in bytes.


  • limit int: The limit to set.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def set_run_timeout(self, timeout: int, /) ‑> Executor

Sets the maximum allowed time for execution in milliseconds.


  • timeout int: The timeout to set.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def set_stdin(self, stdin: str, /) ‑> Executor

Sets the text to pass as stdin to the program.


  • stdin str: The text to set.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
def set_version(self, version: str, /) ‑> Executor

Sets the version of the language to use for execution.


  • version str: The version to use.


  • Executor: The executor, for chained method calls.
class File (name: str = '', content: str = '', encoding: str = 'utf8', /)

A file that contains the source code to be executed.

Instance variables

var content

str: Required by Piston The content of the file.

var encoding

str: The encoding of the file.

var name

str: The name of the file.


def copy(self) ‑> File

Copies the file, leaving the existing one unchanged.


  • File: A copy of the file.
def load_content_from(self, path: str, /) ‑> File

Sets the content of the file to the contents of an existing file on disk.


  • path str: The path to the file.


  • File: The file, for chained method calls.
def load_from(cls, path: str, /) ‑> File

Creates a new File from an existing file on disk.


  • path str: The path to the file.


  • File: The new file.
def set_content(self, content: str, /) ‑> File

Sets the content of the file.


  • content str: The content to use.


  • File: The file, for chained method calls.
def set_encoding(self, encoding: str, /) ‑> File

Sets the encoding of the file.


  • encoding str: The encoding to use.


  • File: The file, for chained method calls.
def set_name(self, name: str, /) ‑> File

Sets the name of the file.


  • name str: The name to use.


  • File: The file, for chained method calls.
class Runtime (language: str, version: str, aliases: list[str], /)

A runtime available to be used by Piston.


Runtimes are not meant to be created manually. Instead, they should be fetched from Piston using Client.fetch_runtimes() and stored. The Python bindings for piston_rs do allow you to instantiate the class, however.

Instance variables

var aliases

list[str]: The aliases of the language.

var language

str: The language.

var version

str: The version of the language.


def copy(self) ‑> Runtime

Copies the runtime, leaving the existing one unchanged.
