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Bases: BaseModel

Data representing a particular ratelimit.

Source code in unkey/models/
@attrs.define(init=False, weakref_slot=False)
class Api(BaseModel):
    """Data representing a particular ratelimit."""

    id: str
    """The id for this api."""

    name: str
    """The name of the api."""

    workspace_id: str
    """The id for the workspace this api belongs to."""

id instance-attribute

id: str

The id for this api.

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of the api.

workspace_id instance-attribute

workspace_id: str

The id for the workspace this api belongs to.


Bases: BaseModel

Minimal representation of an api key.

Source code in unkey/models/
@attrs.define(init=False, weakref_slot=False)
class ApiKey(BaseModel):
    """Minimal representation of an api key."""

    key_id: str
    """The id of this key stored at unkey."""

    key: str
    """The api key itself."""

key instance-attribute

key: str

The api key itself.

key_id instance-attribute

key_id: str

The id of this key stored at unkey.


Bases: BaseModel

Data representing keys for an api.

Source code in unkey/models/
@attrs.define(init=False, weakref_slot=False)
class ApiKeyList(BaseModel):
    """Data representing keys for an api."""

    keys: t.List[ApiKeyMeta]
    """A list of keys associated with the api."""

    total: int
    """The total number of keys associated with the api."""

keys instance-attribute

keys: t.List[ApiKeyMeta]

A list of keys associated with the api.

total instance-attribute

total: int

The total number of keys associated with the api.


Bases: BaseModel

Metadata about an api key.

Source code in unkey/models/
@attrs.define(init=False, weakref_slot=False)
class ApiKeyMeta(BaseModel):
    """Metadata about an api key."""

    id: str
    """The id of this key."""

    api_id: str
    """The id of the api this key belongs to."""

    workspace_id: str
    """The id of the workspace this key belongs to."""

    start: str
    """The prefix and beginning 3 letters of the key."""

    created_at: int
    """The unix epoch representing when this key was created in

    owner_id: t.Optional[str]
    """The owner of this api key if one was specified."""

    expires: t.Optional[int]
    """The optional unix epoch representing when this key expires in

    ratelimit: t.Optional[Ratelimit]
    """The optional ratelimit associated with this key."""

    meta: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]
    """The dynamic mapping of data used during key creation, if
    the key was found.

    remaining: t.Optional[int]
    """The remaining verifications before this key is invalidated.
    If `None`, this field was not used in the keys creation and can
    be ignored.

api_id instance-attribute

api_id: str

The id of the api this key belongs to.

created_at instance-attribute

created_at: int

The unix epoch representing when this key was created in milliseconds.

expires instance-attribute

expires: t.Optional[int]

The optional unix epoch representing when this key expires in milliseconds.

id instance-attribute

id: str

The id of this key.

meta instance-attribute

meta: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]

The dynamic mapping of data used during key creation, if the key was found.

owner_id instance-attribute

owner_id: t.Optional[str]

The owner of this api key if one was specified.

ratelimit instance-attribute

ratelimit: t.Optional[Ratelimit]

The optional ratelimit associated with this key.

remaining instance-attribute

remaining: t.Optional[int]

The remaining verifications before this key is invalidated. If None, this field was not used in the keys creation and can be ignored.

start instance-attribute

start: str

The prefix and beginning 3 letters of the key.

workspace_id instance-attribute

workspace_id: str

The id of the workspace this key belongs to.


Bases: BaseModel

Data about whether this api key is valid.

Source code in unkey/models/
@attrs.define(init=False, weakref_slot=False)
class ApiKeyVerification(BaseModel):
    """Data about whether this api key is valid."""

    valid: bool
    """Whether or not this key is valid and passes ratelimit."""

    owner_id: t.Optional[str]
    """The id of the owner for this key, if the key was found."""

    meta: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]
    """Dynamic mapping of data used during key creation, if the
    key was found.

    remaining: t.Optional[int]
    """The remaining verifications before this key is invalidated.
    If `None`, this field was not used in the keys creation and can
    be ignored.

    code: t.Optional[ErrorCode]
    """The optional error code returned by the unkey api."""

    error: t.Optional[str]
    """The error message if the key was invalid."""

code instance-attribute

code: t.Optional[ErrorCode]

The optional error code returned by the unkey api.

error instance-attribute

error: t.Optional[str]

The error message if the key was invalid.

meta instance-attribute

meta: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]

Dynamic mapping of data used during key creation, if the key was found.

owner_id instance-attribute

owner_id: t.Optional[str]

The id of the owner for this key, if the key was found.

remaining instance-attribute

remaining: t.Optional[int]

The remaining verifications before this key is invalidated. If None, this field was not used in the keys creation and can be ignored.

valid instance-attribute

valid: bool

Whether or not this key is valid and passes ratelimit.


Bases: Enum

The base enum all library enums inherit from.

Source code in unkey/models/
class BaseEnum(Enum):
    """The base enum all library enums inherit from."""

    __slots__ = ()

    value: str  # pyright: ignore

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.value

    def from_str(cls: t.Type[T], value: str) -> T:
        """Generate this enum from the given value.

            value: The value to generate from.

            The generated enum.
            return cls(value)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{e} variant. Please report this issue on github at "
            ) from None

    def from_str_maybe(cls: t.Type[T], value: str) -> t.Optional[T]:
        """Attempt to generate this enum from the given value.

            value: The value to generate from.

            The generated enum or `None` if the value was not a valid
                enum variant.
            return cls(value)
        except ValueError:
            return None

from_str classmethod

from_str(value: str) -> T

Generate this enum from the given value.


Name Type Description Default
value str

The value to generate from.



Type Description

The generated enum.

Source code in unkey/models/
def from_str(cls: t.Type[T], value: str) -> T:
    """Generate this enum from the given value.

        value: The value to generate from.

        The generated enum.
        return cls(value)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise ValueError(
            f"{e} variant. Please report this issue on github at "
        ) from None

from_str_maybe classmethod

from_str_maybe(value: str) -> t.Optional[T]

Attempt to generate this enum from the given value.


Name Type Description Default
value str

The value to generate from.



Type Description

The generated enum or None if the value was not a valid enum variant.

Source code in unkey/models/
def from_str_maybe(cls: t.Type[T], value: str) -> t.Optional[T]:
    """Attempt to generate this enum from the given value.

        value: The value to generate from.

        The generated enum or `None` if the value was not a valid
            enum variant.
        return cls(value)
    except ValueError:
        return None


The base model all library models inherit from.

Source code in unkey/models/
class BaseModel:
    """The base model all library models inherit from."""

    def to_dict(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """Converts this class into a dictionary.

            The requested dictionary.
        return attrs.asdict(self)


to_dict() -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]

Converts this class into a dictionary.


Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

The requested dictionary.

Source code in unkey/models/
def to_dict(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """Converts this class into a dictionary.

        The requested dictionary.
    return attrs.asdict(self)


Bases: BaseModel

Directly represents a response from the api.

Could indicate either success or failure.

Source code in unkey/models/
class HttpResponse(BaseModel):
    """Directly represents a response from the api.

    Could indicate either success or failure.

    status: int
    """The HTTP status code."""

    message: str
    """The error or success message."""

    code: t.Optional[ErrorCode] = None
    """The optional error code returned by the unkey api."""

code class-attribute instance-attribute

code: t.Optional[ErrorCode] = None

The optional error code returned by the unkey api.

message instance-attribute

message: str

The error or success message.

status instance-attribute

status: int

The HTTP status code.


Bases: BaseModel

Data representing a particular ratelimit.

Source code in unkey/models/
class Ratelimit(BaseModel):
    """Data representing a particular ratelimit."""

    type: RatelimitType
    """The type of ratelimiting to implement."""

    limit: int
    """The total amount of burstable requests."""

    refill_rate: int
    """How many tokens to refill during each refill interval."""

    refill_interval: int
    """The speed at which tokens are refilled."""

limit instance-attribute

limit: int

The total amount of burstable requests.

refill_interval instance-attribute

refill_interval: int

The speed at which tokens are refilled.

refill_rate instance-attribute

refill_rate: int

How many tokens to refill during each refill interval.

type instance-attribute

type: RatelimitType

The type of ratelimiting to implement.