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An asynchronous client used for interacting with the API.


Name Type Description Default
api_key t.Optional[str]

The root api key to use for requests.


Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
api_version t.Optional[int]

The api version to access. Defaults to 1.

api_base_url t.Optional[str]

The base url to use for the api (no trailing /). Defaults to

Source code in unkey/
class Client:
    """An asynchronous client used for interacting with the API.

        api_key: The root api key to use for requests.

    Keyword Args:
        api_version: The api version to access. Defaults to 1.

        api_base_url: The base url to use for the api (no trailing /).
            Defaults to ``.

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(
        api_key: t.Optional[str] = None,
        api_version: t.Optional[int] = None,
        api_base_url: t.Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._serializer = serializer.Serializer()
        self._http = services.HttpService(api_key, api_version, api_base_url)

    def __init_core_services(self) -> None:
        self._apis = self.__init_service(services.ApiService)
        self._keys = self.__init_service(services.KeyService)

    def __init_service(self, service: t.Type[ServiceT]) -> ServiceT:
        if not issubclass(service, services.BaseService):
            raise TypeError(f"{service.__name__!r} can not be initialized as a service.")

        return service(self._http, self._serializer)  # type: ignore[return-value]

    async def __aenter__(self) -> Client:
        await self.start()
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, *_args: t.Any, **_kwargs: t.Any) -> None:
        await self.close()

    def keys(self) -> services.KeyService:
        """The key service used to make key related requests."""
        return self._keys

    def apis(self) -> services.ApiService:
        """The api service used to make api related requests."""
        return self._apis

    def set_api_key(self, api_key: str) -> None:
        """Sets the api key used by the http service.

            api_key: The new root api key to use for requests.

    def set_api_base_url(self, base_url: str) -> None:
        """Sets the api base url used by the http service.

            base_url: The new api base url to use for requests.

    async def start(self) -> None:
        """Starts the client session to be used for http requests."""
        await self._http.start()

    async def close(self) -> None:
        """Closes the existing client session, if it's still open."""
        await self._http.close()

apis property

apis: services.ApiService

The api service used to make api related requests.

keys property

keys: services.KeyService

The key service used to make key related requests.

close async

close() -> None

Closes the existing client session, if it's still open.

Source code in unkey/
async def close(self) -> None:
    """Closes the existing client session, if it's still open."""
    await self._http.close()


set_api_base_url(base_url: str) -> None

Sets the api base url used by the http service.


Name Type Description Default
base_url str

The new api base url to use for requests.

Source code in unkey/
def set_api_base_url(self, base_url: str) -> None:
    """Sets the api base url used by the http service.

        base_url: The new api base url to use for requests.


set_api_key(api_key: str) -> None

Sets the api key used by the http service.


Name Type Description Default
api_key str

The new root api key to use for requests.

Source code in unkey/
def set_api_key(self, api_key: str) -> None:
    """Sets the api key used by the http service.

        api_key: The new root api key to use for requests.

start async

start() -> None

Starts the client session to be used for http requests.

Source code in unkey/
async def start(self) -> None:
    """Starts the client session to be used for http requests."""
    await self._http.start()