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ExcHandlerT module-attribute

ExcHandlerT = Callable[[Exception], Any]

The type of a callback used to handle exceptions during verification.

ExtractorT module-attribute

ExtractorT = Callable[
    [Tuple[Any], Dict[str, Any]], Optional[str]

The type of a callback used to extract the api key from the decorated functions *args and **kwargs.

InvalidKeyHandlerT module-attribute

InvalidKeyHandlerT = Callable[
    [Dict[str, Any], Optional[models.ApiKeyVerification]],

The type of a callback used to handle cases where the key was invalid.


    api_id: str,
    key_extractor: ExtractorT,
    on_invalid_key: Optional[InvalidKeyHandlerT] = None,
    on_exc: Optional[ExcHandlerT] = None,
) -> DecoratorT

A framework agnostic second order decorator that is used to protect api routes with Unkey key verification.


An endpoint decorated with this decorator guarantees that once the decorated function body is reached that the api key was verified and is valid.

A keyword argument unkey_verification will be injected into the function on a successful verification so you should make sure you accept that argument in the decorated function. From there feel free to inspect the returned ApiKeyVerification for any properties of interest.


Name Type Description Default
api_id str

The ID of the api to verify keys against.

key_extractor ExtractorT

The callback function used to extract the api key from the *args and **kwargs of the decorated function. It should return the key stripped of the "Bearer " prefix or None.

on_invalid_key Optional[InvalidKeyHandlerT]

The callback function used to transform the output from an invalid key. This can mean the key could not be parsed, the key was not found, or the key was actually invalid. This function should accept a dictionary and an optional ApiKeyVerification. The verification will be provided in cases where we were able to successfully retrieve it from Unkey.

on_exc Optional[ExcHandlerT]

The callback function used to handle exceptions that get thrown at any point during verification.



Type Description

If an exception is raised and no on_exc callback was supplied.


Type Description

A function that replaces the decorated function, and performs Unkey key verification prior to calling the decorated function. If the key could not be parsed or was invalid, a dictionary containing "code" and "message" keys will be returned, unless altered by on_invalid_key if it was passed. If verification succeeds the original functions return value is returned.

Source code in unkey/
def protected(
    api_id: str,
    key_extractor: ExtractorT,
    on_invalid_key: Optional[InvalidKeyHandlerT] = None,
    on_exc: Optional[ExcHandlerT] = None,
) -> DecoratorT:
    """A framework agnostic second order decorator that is used to protect
    api routes with Unkey key verification.

    !!! info

        An endpoint decorated with this decorator guarantees that once the
        decorated function body is reached that the api key was verified and
        is valid.

        A keyword argument `unkey_verification` will be injected into the
        function on a successful verification so you should make sure you
        accept that argument in the decorated function. From there feel
        free to inspect the returned `ApiKeyVerification` for any properties
        of interest.

        api_id: The ID of the api to verify keys against.

        key_extractor: The callback function used to extract the api key
            from the `*args` and `**kwargs` of the decorated function. It
            should return the key stripped of the "Bearer " prefix or `None`.

        on_invalid_key: The callback function used to transform the output
            from an invalid key. This can mean the key could not be parsed, the
            key was not found, or the key was actually invalid. This function
            should accept a dictionary and an optional `ApiKeyVerification`.
            The verification will be provided in cases where we were able to
            successfully retrieve it from Unkey.

        on_exc: The callback function used to handle exceptions that get thrown
            at any point during verification.

        exc: If an exception is raised and no `on_exc` callback was supplied.

        A function that replaces the decorated function, and performs Unkey
            key verification prior to calling the decorated function.
            If the key could not be parsed or was invalid, a dictionary
            containing "code" and "message" keys will be returned, unless
            altered by `on_invalid_key` if it was passed. If verification
            succeeds the original functions return value is returned.

    def _on_invalid_key(
        data: Dict[str, Any], verification: Optional[models.ApiKeyVerification] = None
    ) -> Any:
        if on_invalid_key:
            return on_invalid_key(data, verification)

        return data

    def _on_exc(exc: Exception) -> Any:
        if on_exc:
            return on_exc(exc)

        raise exc

    def wrapper(
        func: CallableT[T],
    ) -> CallableT[Coroutine[Any, Any, VerificationResponseT[T]]]:
        async def inner(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> VerificationResponseT[T]:
                if not (key := key_extractor(*args, **kwargs)):
                    message = "Failed to extract API key"
                    return _on_invalid_key({"code": None, "message": message})

                async with client.Client() as c:
                    result = await c.keys.verify_key(key, api_id)

                if result.is_err:
                    err = result.unwrap_err()
                    code = (err.code or models.ErrorCode.Unknown).value
                    return _on_invalid_key({"code": code, "message": err.message})

                verification = result.unwrap()
                kwargs["unkey_verification"] = verification

                if not verification.valid:
                    code = (verification.code or models.ErrorCode.Unknown).value
                    return _on_invalid_key(
                        {"code": code, "message": verification.error}, verification

                if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
                    value = await func(*args, **kwargs)
                    value = func(*args, **kwargs)

            except Exception as exc:
                return _on_exc(exc)

            return value

        return inner

    return wrapper